Car Insurance
Your vehicle, your mobility
- Transportation is a big part of our lives, and for those of you that drive automobiles, Hancock Insurance want to see that you and your family are well-protected with the right auto insurance for your specific needs.
- To receive an auto insurance quote, fill out the form supplied. Larger discounts are available if more than one vehicle is being insured or if your home is being insured.
- Hancock Insurance also offers advice on additional coverage, pertaining to your special needs because your needs are important to us.

Auto FAQ’s
If you need more information, e-mail us your questions at
1. Why do companies differ in prices for auto insurance?
Auto insurance coverage is based on financial stability, claims satisfaction, and negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf, but more importantly on the type of coverage you want.
Factors such as age, gender, location, commuting distances, vehicle use, accidents, tickets, license suspensions, years licensed, type of vehicle, number of drivers, optional coverage, etc. all influence coverage rate.
2. What coverage is mandatory in Ontario?
You must carry a $200,000. minimum liability coverage on your vehicle, which includes third party liability (property damage or bodily injury claim against you), accident benefits (injury to you or your dependents), direct compensation (damage to your vehicle in a not at-fault accident), and uninsured auto (coverage when the other party has no insurance).
Optional coverage is highly recommended such as higher liability (increasing your liability to $2,000,000.), collision (damage to your vehicle in an at-fault accident), comprehensive (theft, vandalism, fire, and flying objects), loss of use (a temporary replacement vehicle), non-owned auto (covers you while driving other vehicles), etc. To find out more about optional coverage and the ones best for you, please call one of our brokers at: 519-743-1401
3. What are deductibles and when do they apply?
Deductibles are your contribution to a claim before the insurance company makes its payment and usually apply in an at-fault collision, comprehensive, uninsured auto, unidentified third party claim, and a hit-and-run.
Increased deductibles can reduce premiums.
You can find your deductibles on the declaration page of your policy.
4. What’s covered and what’s not?
If I’m driving down the road and my engine blows, am I covered? No. Insurable losses don’t include maintenance and repair.
If an animal jumps out in front of my vehicle and is hit, is the damage covered? Yes, if you carry comprehensive coverage and you can prove the damage was a result of an animal. If you swerve to avoid an animal and damage your vehicle in the process, this is an at-fault collision claim.
If someone has hit my car in a parking lot with no witnesses and no note, am I covered? Yes, if you carry collision coverage and subject to your deductible. Most companies will not regard this as an at-fault collision claim.
If I rent a private passenger car in another country, am I covered? No. Check with one of our brokers regarding your out-of-country options.
5. Do I need driver’s training?
Ministry approved driver’s training courses qualify for a rate reduction on auto-insurance up to 50%.
This reduction usually applies only within the first three to five years of licensing.
6. What affects the price of my auto insurance?
Many factors affect your premiums such as your age, gender, where you live, where you commute to, vehicle use, accidents, tickets, license suspensions, years licensed, number of drivers, vehicle you drive, coverage limits and deductibles, optional coverages, to name a few.
7. Who can drive my car?
You can lend your vehicle to anyone holding a valid drivers’ license who is not specifically excluded from coverage under your policy (OPCF 28A). Having said that, you are in turn responsible for any claims or accidents they are involved in while driving your vehicle. Their accident is your accident.
8. Where can I find more information?
Please see our resources section. It is also important that you read the 2010 Ontario Insurance Reform.
9. What can I do if I still have questions in regards to the changes coming into effect on June 1st, 2016?
If you still have questions about the changes to your auto policy, please do not hesitate to contact our office to speak with a licensed broker (519) 743-1401.
Auto Insurance Links
Ministry of Transportation Ontario
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Transport Canada
Driving School Association of Ontario